الجمعة, 14 فبراير, 2025 , 8:11 م
President Trump

To the friendly American people.. Save America from the random president

By – Khaled Abdel Hamid

Since Donald Trump assumed the presidency of the United States of America in his second term a few days ago, he set fire to American relations with friendly and allied countries, which portends huge economic losses that America will be exposed to, not to mention the sharp decline in American influence due to the random management of the wrestler Trump.

Random decisions that cannot be implemented.. and provocative statements.. blatant guardianship over independent countries.. and imposing tributes on Arab regimes by force.. and threats here and there.

Is this what the American citizen was seeking and wishing for in his choice of the new American president, and will the American people accept the looks of schadenfreude in the disasters that have recently befallen the United States of America, such as the devastating fires, then the collision of two planes and the fall of more than 70 Americans who were killed in the accident? .

Has the American citizen asked himself about the secret of the hatred that destroys most of the peoples of the world for them.

In fact, the policies of successive American administrations, the policy of hegemony, imposing guardianship, plundering the wealth and resources of peoples, and supporting and backing a Zionist gang that occupied the land of others by force are the most important reasons for the peoples’ hatred of the American citizen who reaps the fruits of what the fascist American administrations have sown.

The strange thing is that American intelligence knows very well that Trump is sliding America into the abyss and is on the path to the collapse of the American empire, yet it stands by watching and perhaps supporting those random policies that are alien to the United States of America instead of confronting this man who has become paranoid, although he has done nothing to make him this intoxicated.

We love the American people very much and respect them very much, but the Trump administration has brought and will bring upon them the problems and disasters that they will suffer from inside and outside the United States of America, and I believe that the decision-making bodies in America know this very well and will not let this man destroy the history, glory and influence of the American empire that has begun to collapse.

Friendly American people..

Do something to remove this lunatic from power before it is too late

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